The existing AirTrain system at EWR is in need of replacement, as it is not expected to meet future passenger/ridership demands and is a physical constraint on future development at EWR. The PANYNJ proposes to replace the existing AirTrain with a new dual guideway automated people mover system with larger train cars to increase ridership capacity and provide airport users with reliable rail service. The Proposed Action would also include the construction of stations, pedestrian bridge connectors, and a new Maintenance and Control Facility. The new AirTrain would serve Terminals B, C, and the new Terminal One, as well as several parking areas and the Rail Link Station.
PCA performed quantitative operational and construction-related air quality, greenhouse gas (GHG), noise and vibration assessments in support of a NEPA FAA Environmental Assessment (EA). A General Conformity applicability analysis was performed to ensure operational and construction-related air emissions met thresholds, and air emissions inventories, which included criteria pollutants and GHG. Long term noise monitoring was performed in five locations within the study area to identify background noise levels. Since project improvements involved a transit-related surface transportation element with no changes to aircraft operations, PCA performed operational and construction-related noise and vibration assessments based on the Federal Transit Administration's Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment guidance document. Air quality, noise and vibration assessment reports were prepared, and summaries of the assessments were incorporated into the NEPA EA.