The John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) Redevelopment Program is expected to accommodate anticipated JFK growth. JFK Redevelopment Program (JFKR) projects include construction of Terminal One, Terminal 4, Terminal 6 and Terminal 8. The 70,400 square foot addition of Terminal 8 is currently underway which will provide new amenities including five additional wide-body gates to allow for more transatlantic flights and four nearby on-airfield plane parking/unloading areas to accommodate the added flights.
Paul Carpenter Associates, Inc. (PCA) previously monitored particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than or equal to 10 micrometers (PM10) at the Terminal 8 construction site using TSI DUSTTRAK ™ units. Currently PCA is monitoring PM10 at Terminal One and Terminal 6 construction sites. PCA maintains upwind and downwind monitors owned by the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ). PCA performs daily maintenance tasks, including calibration, as well as on-site troubleshooting. Full-time PCA personnel tracks real-time PM10 concentrations using an online concentration database.
PCA submitted a PANYNJ JFKR Monitoring Plan detailing measurement methodologies which follows the New York State Department of Conservation's (NYSDEC) "Community Air Monitoring Plan" guidance to determine PM10 exceedances for each construction site. Any downwind monitor reading 100 μg/m3 greater than the upwind monitor, based on a 15-minute averaging period, will trigger an investigation. Based on knowledge of the site and on-site observations, PCA personnel determines whether the exceedance was likely caused by site activity. Once it is determined that the site activity likely caused the exceedance, PCA follows a communication protocol detailed within the PANYNJ JFKR Monitoring Plan. PCA communicates with authority personnel, consisting of PANYNJ and contractor contacts, to notify contacts of the exceedance. Depending on the level of exceedance, either dust suppression actions are recommended, or a reevaluation of activities with a cease in operations is immediately communicated. PCA submits Monthly Reports detailing PM10 concentration roses which incorporate emissions and wind direction. In addition, Monthly Reports provide information pertaining to exceedances and details communication and resolutions.