NJDOT proposes to add auxiliary lanes along Route 202 northbound and southbound in the vicinity of First Avenue and relocate the Route 202 southbound forward jug handle, intersecting with First Avenue further north than its current location. Improvements will require four residential structure acquisitions and elimination of the current Route 202 southbound forward ramp as well as Danbury Avenue. A cul-de-sac will be constructed along the eastern terminus of Danbury Avenue.
PCA performed a quantitative traffic noise assessment detailed within a Noise Assessment document. The traffic noise assessment was performed pursuant to 23 CFR 772 and in accordance with NJDOT’s Traffic Noise Policy. Existing noise measurements with concurrent vehicle classification counts were conducted to validate the project-specific TNM2.5 model. Since noise measurements were conducted in 2021 when schools in the region were operating partially remotely due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, concurrent 2021 traffic counts obtained during noise measurements were compared with historic (2008) traffic counts, which were projected to 2021 using a NJDOT approved growth rate. Projected volumes were higher for all movements at the Route 202 and First Avenue intersection, except for First Avenue westbound right turns during the PM noise peak hour. Therefore, 2021 counted traffic volumes were conservatively used within the project-specific TNM2.5 model for this movement and peak PM period only, while noise modeling was performed using projected 2021 traffic volumes for all other movements. Noise barrier mitigation was investigated in two areas of impact; however, none met all NJDOT noise wall requirements and were not recommended for consideration under Final Design. The traffic noise assessment will be summarized within the NEPA Categorical Exclusion Document (CED) prepared for the project.