The New Jersey Transit (NJ Transit) Hoboken Signal and Yard Power Repairs project includes upgrading signal and power systems within the Hoboken Rail Yard through construction of steel monopoles in support of power feeders. Two historic structures, the Records Building and Bush Train Shed, are located within close proximity of several planned monopole foundations.
Due to the location of historic structures, and the nature of construction activities necessary to install monopole foundations, PCA performed a quantitative construction-related vibration assessment following guidelines within the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual (FTA Report No. 0123, September 2018). The assessment was based on final engineering information provided by NJ Transit. Due to the potential for vibration-induced structural damage during construction of monopole foundations, PCA recommended requiring the contractor to provide a qualified third-party specialist to:
PCA also prepared a vibration monitoring plan for NJ Transit review.