Paul Carpenter Associates, Inc. (PCA) provided Noise and Air Quality Environmental Field Inspectors (NAEFI) to provide daily routine maintenance of eleven monitoring stations, perform weekly site inspections of construction equipment and activities as well as document equipment source noise levels in order to ensure compliance with Environmental Performance Commitments. Primary and secondary NAEFIs were identified and reported directly to authorized personnel.
Electronic Field Inspection Reports were completed daily at each monitoring station to document noise and air monitor field calibrations, vibration monitor sensor checks, and any necessary troubleshooting tasks. Since several stations relied on solar power and marine batteries, NAEFIs were also responsible for monitoring voltage and replacing batteries.
Site Inspection Checklists were completed during each weekly construction site visit. Visual inspections were performed and included notation of any new equipment on site including tugboats and marine vessels as well as whether equipment appeared to be in good working order with no visible emissions. During in-water pile driving activities, NAEFIs confirmed shrouds were in use. Other commitments such as use of wet suppression methods during dust generating activities and any non-productive truck or diesel equipment idling greater than five minutes were noted.
Equipment noise source measurements were documented by NAEFIs for each piece of equipment utilizing a Type I noise level meter. For any equipment that left the site and later returned, noise source measurements were repeated to ensure compliance.