Routes 6 and 10 are major expressways providing access between downtown Providence and southern and western Rhode Island. Paul Carpenter Associates, Inc. (PCA) completed noise and air quality assessments as well as appropriate sections of the NEPA Environmental Reevaluation (ER) document for the Route 6/Route 10 Interchange Improvements.
Project improvements include the removal of the Huntington Viaduct (Route 10 southbound) and lowering of the roadway, a direct connection to provide the missing movement from Route 10 northbound to Route 6 westbound in order to relieve congestion on local roadways, and the removal, replacement, or construction of bridge crossings throughout the interchange. A new bicycle and pedestrian path, extending from Union Street to Tobey Street, is proposed to enhance connectivity between area neighborhoods and existing bike paths in the area.
A detailed noise measurement study was performed in ten locations throughout the project area. In addition, traffic data collection and vehicle classification counts were performed. Monitored AM and PM peak hour noise levels were utilized to validate the FHWA's Traffic Noise Model Version2.5 (TNM2.5) as well as other site specific information, such as traffic volumes, significant changes in topography, location and heights of building rows and tree/ground zones. Noise levels were predicted related to 2017 Existing, 2030 Build and 2042 Build conditions and impacts were evaluated. Noise mitigation was investigated within ten impacted areas. Of the ten, five noise barriers were determined to be acoustically feasible, achieved the Noise Reduction Goal, and were cost effective as per Rhode Island Department of Transportation's Noise Abatement Policy.
As Providence County is in attainment for all criteria pollutants, the project is not subject to transportation project-level conformity and is not expected to result in adverse air quality impacts. MSATs were qualitatively addressed within the ER, and it was determined that since project movements essential remain the same between the 2030 Alternative 4, which received a Record of Decision, and the Base Technical Concept, there would be no appreciable difference in MSAT emissions.