The Major Deegan Expressway (MDE) is a heavily traveled roadway located in Bronx County, New York that spans between the Bruckner Expressway (I-278) and the New York State Thruway. The proposed improvements associated with the MDE include rehabilitation of two bridges between W 161st Street and Highbridge Interchange and lowering the profile of SB MDE.
PCA completed noise and air quality assessments to support a NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA) as well as appropriate sections of the New York State DOT Design Report (DR). A supplemental traffic noise report addressing the proposed rehabilitation was also submitted.
Background noise monitoring was performed in two locations. Traffic data collection and vehicle classification counts were performed. The noise analysis was performed utilizing TNM2.5 in accordance with FHWA 23CFR772 procedures for noise impacts and abatement analyses. Noise levels were predicted based on 2016 Existing, 2040 No Build and 2040 Build (Alternative 5) conditions. Noise impacts were assessed and noise wall abatement measures were investigated in three locations. All noise walls were evaluated based on guidance provided within New York Department of Transportation's The Environmental Manual (TEM), Section 4.4.18, Noise Analysis Policy and Procedures. Abatement measures were determined to be either not feasible due to engineering constraints or not acoustically feasible or reasonable.
Since Bronx County is in ozone non-attainment, CO and PM2.5 maintenance, all project-affected intersections were reviewed. One project-related unsignalized and three signalized intersections along Sedgwick Avenue were predicted to operate with Levels of Services C or better, therefore CO, PM2.5 and mobile source air toxics (MSATs) were addressed qualitatively within the NEPA EA and DR.