The Hunts Point Peninsula is a predominately industrial area within the South Bronx that is most noted for the Hunts Point Food Distribution Center, which occupies nearly half of the peninsula. The Food Distribution Center consists of over 155 public and private wholesalers, which makes it one of the largest food markets in the country. Over the course of its operation, the methods of transporting goods from the market have changed. Currently, market related traffic is dominated by trucks traveling from the Bruckner Expressway and Sheridan onto the local roads, congesting local roadways within the peninsula. The project proposes improved access between the Hunts Point Food Distribution Center and the Bruckner Expressway and Sheridan, addresses the operational and structural deficiencies of the Bruckner Expressway and Sheridan, and proposes to improve the quality of life for residents on the peninsula.
Noise, air quality, energy and greenhouse gas assessments were conducted to support a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). A background noise monitoring study was performed in seven locations. In addition, traffic data collection and vehicle classification counts were performed. Utilizing FHWA's TNM2.5, noise levels were predicted under 2017 Existing and 2055 Build Alternative conditions. Noise impacts were assessed and noise wall abatement measures were investigated in seven locations. None of the investigated abatement measures were determined to be feasible or reasonable per NYSDOT policy. Analyses were performed in accordance with 23CFR772 and NYSDOT's The Environmental Manual (TEM), Section 4.4.18, Noise Analysis Policy and Procedures.
Mesoscale emissions of CO, PM2.5, PM10, NOx and VOCs were evaluated through air quality modeling using USEPA's MOVES2014a. Subsequently, quantitative PM2.5 and PM10 hot spot analyses were performed utilizing USEPA's CAL3QHCR for the critical analysis year. NYSDOT's CO screening procedures were implemented at the SIP intersection of Hunts Point Avenue and Bruckner Boulevard as well as all others with future 2025 (ETC), 2035 (ETC+10) and 2055 (ETC+30) Build year Levels of Service D or worse to conclude that microscale CO modeling was not necessary. MSAT emissions were also modeled.
Energy and greenhouse gas emissions analyses were performed based on NYSDOT's Draft Energy Analysis Guidelines for Project-Level Analysis, dated November 2003 and NYSDOT's Draft Greenhouse Gases (CO2) Emissions Estimate Guidelines for Project-Level Analysis, dated November 2003.